Friday, November 9, 2007

PUZZLE #35 - Ask___ IF

"...when ye shall read these things,...ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true;..." (Moroni 10:3 & 4 partial Page529)

Have you followed this directive given by Moroni? Did you read the Book of Mormon and ask God if it is true?

Each part of Moroni’s instruction is important. Have you read and studied the words and teaching of this book? Have you paid attention to what the book says? Have you formed questions in your mind regarding any of the things you read? Did anything said in this book make you question its claim to divine authorship?

What did you do when you read the words of the three witnesses, which said that the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are all one and the same God? Did you just brush that aside? Why is it that 2nd Nephi 31:21, (Pages 114-115), Alma 11:26-39 (Pages 235-237) and Mormon 7:7 (Page 480) all teach this doctrine, while Mormonism teaches that there are three separate and distinct Gods in the godhead? Why is it that D&C 20:28 says the same thing? It's a PUZZLE of great magnitude.

What did you do when you found that the claim of Jacob 2:24 (Page 121) is an absolute and direct contradiction of D&C 132:39? Did you just brush it aside? Did you say that it doesn't matter? Doesn't it? Your life through eternity is at stake.

Perhaps if these contradictions within Mormon doctrine are not of any concern to you, and if you are able to brush them aside and say that they don't matter, perhaps you have decided that the Book of Mormon is true.

Did you ask God IF "these things are not true"? That is Moroni's counsel. Did you follow it? Did you ask God IF the things you had read are true, or did you just brush them aside because they conflicted with what you already believe? That's not what Moroni said to do.

Perhaps you read the book and asked God to convince you of its truthfulness? That's not what Moroni said you should do either. He says to ASK God IF these things are true. (Actually, he says to ask God if these things are NOT true, but we won't go into that.)

Perhaps you asked God to convince you of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon so that you could 'know' what all your associates at church seen to 'know'; i.e. that the Book of Mormon is true? If you did that, you may have come up with a 'feeling' that you have defined as God's witness to you on this issue. Sorry, that's not what Moroni has 'exhorted' you to do either. He plainly says; ASK God IF it is

If you want it to be true, you will convince yourself, and you won't need any input from God. Please, ask IF.

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